Thursday, November 4, 2010

What's up with that?

Now that John Boehner will become Speaker of the House, I think it is time for a comparison between him and Nancy Pelosi:
1) In neither case is it at all clear to me why these people make good politicians. Neither of them seem to be in the least sincere in anything that they say. Perhaps this kind of public inability to project sincerity is something that comes with being more involved in arranging things behind the scenes.
2) In both cases, they have borderline freakish appearances.

I have speculated on 1 already. Why is 2 the case? Is it just a coincidence that the most fake looking people end up being Speaker of the House?


  1. Why oh why does NPR insist on pronouncing "Bain-er" rather than "Boner". I mean, can you think of a better name for a Republican Congressman than "Boner"?

  2. How about "Buttballs"? "Boner Buttballs (R-TX)"
